Tucson Real Estate
Tucson is known throughout the world for its superb weather. Warm and sunny almost every day of the year, the air is remarkably dry, and we have a low relative humidity. Daytime summer temperatures can be high, but the temperature drops at sunset, providing cool, comfortable evenings.
Precipitation | Measurement |
Wettest month -- July | 2.41 inches |
Driest month -- May | 0.14 inches |
Annual total | 11.90 inches |
Number of days over 90�F = 137. Number of days below freezing = 19. Average total snow, sleet and hail annually: 0.65 inches. Tucson lies in an area receiving more sunshine than any other section in the United States.
Monthly Temps. | Avg. Daily Max. Temp. | Avg. Daily Min. Temp. |
January | 64.1 | 38.3 |
February | 67.0 | 39.9 |
March | 71.4 | 43.6 |
April | 80.7 | 50.3 |
May | 89.6 | 57.4 |
June | 97.9 | 66.2 |
July | 98.3 | 74.2 |
August | 95.3 | 72.3 |
September | 93.1 | 67.1 |
October | 83.7 | 56.4 |
November | 72.2 | 44.8 |
December | 64.8 | 39.2 |
Coldest Month -- Jan. | 64.2 | 38.1 |
Hottest Month -- July | 98.5 | 73.7 |
Annual avg. | 81.7 | 54.2 |
Come on down and visit us! We would love to help you find your new home in Tucson!